New : Jae's Garth Brooks Collection Site
The Red Strokes CD (1994, Holland/Germany)
Ain't Going Down (Til The Sun Comes Up) CD (1993, USA)
American Honky-Tonk Bar Association CD (1993, USA)
Standing Outside The Fire CD (1994, USA)
One Night A Day CD (1994, USA)
Callin' Baton Rouge CD (1994, USA)
Hard Luck Woman CD (1994, Norway)
Burning Bridges CD (1995, Spain)
She's Every Woman CD (1995, USA)
The Fever CD (1995, USA)
The Beaches Of Cheyenne CD (1996, USA)
The Change CD (1996, USA)
It's Midnight Cinderella CD (1996, USA)
That Ol' Wind CD (1996, USA)
Longneck Bottle CD (1997, USA)
She's Gonna Make It CD (1998, USA)
Two Piña Coladas CD (1998, USA)
To Make You Feel My Love CD (1998, USA)
You Move Me CD (1998, USA)