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Just another Garth Brooks music maniac

I first learned about Garth Brooks when I was watching him on TV turn down some top award at American Music Awards in the 90s, and I was like, 'Who in the world would decline to accept an award, and I have never seen it.' It totally shocked me. Then, the award show presented Garth singing The Change, and I immediately fell in love with his music.


Since then, I started looking out for music everywhere, but to no avail because country music was not popular in South Korea (my home country). However, with some little help from my family and friends, I finally managed to have some of his music in my hand, and the very first Garth item I got was a Korean version 20-track CD of The Hits in 1996.


I started my serious collecting of Garth's music items on November 1, 2004, and most of the items seen on this website were purchased from other Garth fans or record stores all over the world. In the early years of my collecting, I even used to spend nearly all my monthly earning on the collecting.


As I'm much more into the early music by Garth, this collection is more dedicated to the very peak of his career, and I hope you enjoy the collection but not so much become terrified by how much of a hunter I was to get all these rare Garth items.


I'm still collecting Garth, and I will always be his fan, perhaps not his best fan but one of his most loyal fans.

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